Supercharge your Weight Loss
Burn 100s of extra calories per hour on autopilot
with BionicGym.
your Weight Loss
Burn 100s of extra calories per day on autopilot with BionicGym.
SHOP NOWHow much fat can you lose with BionicGym?
Results in:
I'll use BionicGym at low intensity* for:
I'll use BionicGym at HIGH intensity** for:
Total BionicGym calories burnt: 0 calories
0 miles
Equivalent to walkingI'll reduce my calorie intake by:
Diet Contribution: -0 calories
TOTAL calories (BionicGym + Diet) = 0 calories
= 0 lbs of fat
= 0 kg
*use in the background doing other things, emails, browsing, gardening, etc.
**use at training levels, gaming, watching videos, etc.
How many lbs of Fat can you lose?
Intervention | Months | Hours/day | Subtotal Calories |
≈ 🏃🏻♂️➡️* |
BionicGym Low Level | 0 | 0 | ||
BionicGym Intense Level | 0 | 0 | ||
Diet Calorie Deficit | 0 |
Total Calories: 0
Equals: 0 lbs of fat
Equals: 0 kg
Since beginning his BionicGym Journey , Armand lost an astonishing 158 pounds and regained his life
How did Armand do it?
Armand burned 500–800 calories per session with BionicGym using the Pro Intense setting for a few hours daily.
Combined with a high-protein diet and his doctor’s support, he flipped the switch from weight gain to weight loss.Starting at 325 lbs, Armand now weighs 167 lbs and has ditched his crutches, rediscovered his energy, and regained his confidence.
“My BionicGym journey was not easy. Much of it kicked my ass, but I can tell you from personal expericne, it’s the greatest piece of fitness equipment I’ve ever used! BionicGym literally changed my life”
Join Armand and see what BionicGym can do for you!
The truth is
Weight Loss is Hard...
but we can help!
Diets, by themselves, rarely work. We all know this… you can drop a stone in a month… but your body fights to put it right back on.
Exercise works… if you do a hell of a lot… research suggests that real weight loss starts at about 2,000 calories of exercise per week! (to make up for those treats on the way home from the gym!) This is about the equivalent of a marathon for the average person.
Diet Plus Exercise works really well for sustainable weight loss. You can lose it quicker and keep it off.
With BionicGym you can burn thousands of extra calories per week so you lose weight quickly and keep it off!
BionicGym Plus (prescription) weight loss drugs... wegovy, etc. The drugs blunt your appetite and BionicGym can deliver muscle-preserving exercise and accelerate fat loss. Many people, especially with diabetes, get <10% weight loss. Adding BionicGym could tip the balance for them.
Here's what our community has to say:
Getting back in shape after giving birth
Getting back in shape after giving birth
Nancy Abell is using Bionicgym as part of her post partum weight loss journey, losing over 20 pounds.
Integrating Exercise into Work & Gaming
Integrating Exercise into Work & Gaming
Lasse Kronberg uses BionicGym to Supercharge his work and gaming sessions, losing over 33 pounds while he multitasks.
Busy mom burning calories at home
Busy mom burning calories at home
Tressa uses BionicGym while doing household chores, burning over 500 calories per hour!
Diet + Exercise = Weight Loss
Here's what our community has to say:
Supercharges your calorie burn while you do things you would have done anyways, like work at your desk, do household chores or relax and watch television.
Targets sugar-hungry muscle fibres accelerating low-carb and keto diets, as well as intermittent fasting.
Delivers exercise that is gentle on joints, meaning you can work out without aggravating any aches or pains that other forms of exercise may trigger.
Backed by 20+ years of peer-reviewed scientific research and thousands of happy, active users.
Our Weight Loss Approach
Train with BionicGym for 60 minutes per day, 5 times per week.
Start with the BionicGym Start Here! programs increasing the intensity gradually both between and during workout sessions.
Progress to to the PRO workouts when you feel ready.
For Faster Weight Loss
Try using BionicGym for longer periods, roughly 4-6 hours, while you do other things like work or chores.
Programs such as Glucose Gobblers and Less Cardio, More Discreet are favourites for increasing calorie and sugar burn while you multitask.
Pro Weight Loss Tip
Do a BionicGym session after your last meal of the day to allow your body to burn extra sugar before you sleep.
Consider trying a Keto diet, Intermittent Fasting or a Low-Carb diet. BionicGym's ability to burn sugar at such an incredible rate may help accelerate you into ketosis.
When I am using BionicGym...
How many Calories can I Burn?
People who have trained with BionicGym for a few weeks can burn 500+ calories per hour, with many people saying they burn much more than this!
Alternatively, go for a low intensity approach and burn 1000+ calories in 4-6 hours while you work at your desk, do household chores or just relax!
For the 4 - 6 hours per day (while using BionicGym) my heart-rate is around 110bpm and generally for the entire period I burn between 1000cals to 1200cals per day just bouncing like this at work.
Tamkin Amin
Just like Intense Exercise...
BionicGym delves into your Sugar Reserves...
by stimulating fast-twitch muscle fibres.
This ability to burn sugar is BionicGym's secret weapon. By targeting special muscle-fibres that soak up sugar like a sponge, we train our bodies' to become more metabolically flexible, improving our ability to burn both sugar and fat.
Should I consider a particular.....
Diet with BionicGym?
Healthy and sustained weight loss is the key to success. Any positive change in diet will help with your weight loss journey. But which diets work best with BionicGym?
Low Carb, Keto and Intermittent Fasting:
1) Low-carb. These diets aim to keep your blood sugar steady, helping avoid sugar peaks and then the crashes that make you hungry. BionicGym contracts fast twitch muscle fibres to burn sugar and help regulate your sugar levels.
2) Ketosis happens when your blood sugar and insulin are low. BionicGym stimulates muscle fibres that soak up sugar like a sponge. This depletes your glucose/carb stores much quicker so you can get into ketosis fast. And if you have a 'keto slip'... we'll get you back into ketosis much quicker too.
3) Intermittent Fasting. BionicGym will help you dig deeper into your reserves in each fasting period.
But, how does it work?
First, consider this:
Nature' hack is to burn calories by shivering in order to warm us up.
What if we could hack this, so to speak? Flipping this process on its head so the main goal is not to heat up but instead to deliver a workout and burn calories?
BionicGym achieves exactly this, stimulating the muscle fibers of the legs at the optimum frequency. With each shiver the muscle fibers use energy and therefore burn calories. Optimize the rate of this frequency and stimulate as many fibers as possible and the results are a vigorous workout that burns hundreds of calories per hour.
Dr. Louis, inventor of BionicGym explains it from a medical perspective:
What happens is that more muscle fibers contract and relax at this “biologically special” rate. And that’s where the BionicGym “magic” comes in. Impulses through the BionicGym wraps stimulate the motor-neurons (nerves-to-muscles) in the legs and gluteal muscles (bum), telling them to contract repeatedly. (The muscles relax or lengthen by themselves).
By inducing enough muscles to actively contract at optimal rates, they shout out for blood to supply oxygen and energy. When that happens, your heart pumps harder and faster to deliver this blood.
The result is that BionicGym trains both your cardio system and your muscles. You become more breathless and in time heat up – even sweat. After all, shivering is nature’s way of warming you up by burning calories.
I've done thousands of mini-experiments to optimize the technology.... and then followed up with peer-reviewed scientific studies.
Dr Louis Crowe
- Delivers Exercise on Autopilot.
- Workouts that are Gentle on Joints
- Burn Calories while you Multitask.
Unleash The Full Power of BionicGym
BionicGym + PRO-HIIT
- All the perks of BionicGym plus:
- Get intense workouts and burn more calories faster.
- Increase heart rate, sweat, improve cardio fitness.
- Includes High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts