Glucose Gobblers

Glucose Gobblers

Body Position



Glucose Gobblers

Controlling blood sugar is hugely important to our health and weight-control. Glucose Gobblers is specifically designed to target fast-twitch muscle fibers, a type of fiber that has a tremendous capacity to consume glucose, more commonly known as sugar. These programs have automatic step changes, which automatically increase the intensity slightly in order to target more fibres as the muscle begins to fatigue.


As the name suggests, this workout contains 3 step changes, which occur every 30 minutes. An excellent option as a low-moderate workout for extended periods, many users pair this with periods of relaxation such as reading or watching a movie.

  • Duration: 120 minutes

Perform either sitting or standing, or switch between the two throughout.

A low-moderate intensity will allow you to multitask while you complete your workout.

This workout is especially good if completed after your last meal or before your first meal of the day.


Looser Contractions follows the same step increase structure as X3 Step Ups 2 Hours except the contractions feel looser and as a result the legs feel a little freer. Just like Less Cardio More Discreet this workout program is commonly paired with time spent working at a desk or in public places.

  • Duration: 120 minutes

Perform either sitting or standing, or switch between the two throughout.

A low-moderate intensity will allow you to multitask while you complete your workout.

This workout is especially good if completed after your last meal or before your first meal of the day.